Beeston Fields Secondary Modern School, Beeston, 1964

Mr Davis's Class

Mr Davis's Class

Peter Church has identified his cousin, Michael Tomlinson (seated second from the right). He also believes that Maurice Masson is seated third from the right

Others who are believed to appear in this photo (in alphabetical order) are :
Peter Barker, Keith Batram, Peter Beck, Wayne Bonser, Stephen Cooke, David Hadley, Richard Hastings, Michael Jones, John Kime, Stephen Lester, Philip Lowe,
Tony Martin, David Mundell, Brian Selby, Malcolm Stokes, John Trewkells, Andrew Truman, Raymond Wallis, Paul Willmott

Suggestions for the allocation of the names to faces would be very welcome

Mr Long's Class

Mr Long's Class (Forn 4A)

The following names were kindly supplied by David Clay who also suggests that one of the lads next to William Winter is Geoff Heath (he cannot say which)

Back Row: Maurice Radford, Slavamea Kuchter, Clifford Bone, William Whitle, **
Middle Row : Mr Long, **, Russel Bartlet, **, William Winter, **, **, John Costlall, **
Sitting : Paul ?, **, **, ? Bird, **, David Clay, Andrew ?, John Simpson, Peter? Carnelley, Gary ?, Andrew Bullivant, Peter Anthony

He also notes that Robert Nelson and ? Peel are missing from the group

Subsequently, the following alternative names have been kindly supplied by Michael Peel:

Back Row (L to R): Maurice Radford, Slavomir Kuchta, Clifford Bone, Pete Whittle, **
Middle Row: Mr Long, Keith Acroyd, Russell Bartlett, George ?, William Winter, David Simpson, Phil Brooks, John Costello, Keith Stapleton
Front Row (seated): Peter Crowther, Graham Hammond, Keith Maddison, Michael Peel, David Lloyd, Dave Clay, Andy Martin, John Simpson, Brian Carnelley, Edward Huthins, Andrew Bullivant, Pete Anthony

He also tells us that evidence from his old school report tells us that there were 27 pupils in the class. As the photograph was taken after the Christmas or Easter break, some in the class would have already left school. This was permitted at one of these breaks providing that the pupil had passed his 15th birthday. Some chose to stay until summer to take the South Notts Leaving Certificate before going on to further education at Beeston College.

See The Next Two 1964 Classes

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