Master record (return to list)

Surname Forename Forename2 Forename3 Nickname Maiden Name Sex Died Born Age Approx Birth Year Stone Sequence Ref only Note
WESLEY John H M 17/03/1983 83y 1900 1294 1
WESLEY Frank M 02/12/1936 00/00/1876 1876 1294 2 Full date from urn - "Dad"
WESLEY Elizabeth F 08/11/1946 00/00/1876 1876 1294 3 Full date from urn - "Mother"
JACKSON Margaret F 00/00/1947 00/00/1937 1937 1294 4 "Their grand-daughter"
WESLEY Annie F 1294 5 R
Actions Surname Forename Forename2 Forename3 Nickname Died Born Age Approx Birth Year Stone Sequence Ref only Note
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